Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Catching Up With The Speed Of Life

Okay, so I'm officially back home from the dude ranch, and I'm loving it. Except for the minor back and hip pain, and the excruciating pain in my neck, I'm happy. I didn't really get the full blow of summer until I got home, mainly because upstate New York is still really cold for the middle of May. It wasn't the greatest weekend ever, mainly because I fought a lot the entire time with my family, but we all kept getting along again, if only for a short while before the next fight began. I swear, I love my family, they just get on my bad side a little too much. It's times like these when I really miss my cat, Mitzi. She passed away just last month, and it was a major blow, because I hadn't seen her in two weeks. But it was a good thing I was at my dad's house with the Enigmatic Eight. They became my best friends when I cried.

I don't really know how I fell so behind with my life, though. I look around me and see all my friends with boyfriends or girlfriends, loving and being loved, happy and making others happy. I know I'm jealous, but it's because I don't have any of that. The only person that I'm truly getting along with is my father, and even that's a stretch at this point. We fight just a bit more than usual, but that's for actual, substantial reasons. As I realize that my life is a bit emptier than I had ever thought, I know what I need to do to fix that little problem. I need to talk to more people, but think about what I say. I need to respect those who deserve it (and not just who I think deserve it), and gain the respect of those who matter. I need to crawl out of my little protective shell. I feel like working this summer might help, but it's not going to be enough just being there. I have to put myself out there, make myself approachable. If I hide behind a book or my laptop 99% of the time, I'm going to fail at this desperate attempt to be noticed. I thought by talking to people online would help, but that just makes it worse. Blogging here is just a release, but it isn't the only solution for my emotional turmoil.

If I'm going to change the person I am into someone more desirable, approachable, and lovable... it's going to take a lot of work. It's going to mean giving up a lot of what made me comfortable. I mean, not permanently, but I have to put a lot of things on the back burner. My stories, for instance, will be written when I'm about to go to sleep, or during a break in which everyone else is working. My computer will stay in my bag until I absolutely need it. The FCG may have to go without my existence for a bit. I hate to do that, but it's a possibility that seems all too important. I miss my friends. I miss hanging out with those who wanted to hang out with me. I miss that person that made friends, awkwardly or not. I need her back more than ever. I need to get rid of this self-destructive mess I call my personality and repair the damage I've caused.

Easier said than done, I know. But it will get done, over time.


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